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When the Power Runs Out We'll Just Hum

British Airways tells me that I can get a r/t flight from Boston to London for as little as $400! Hmm...take a couple of weeks, go to Boston which I've never seen and always wanted to...and then fly to London for a week to see what it is that the guys in Boston in 1775 were so pissed off about. Fun fact: England has more surveillance cameras than any other country in the world with 4.2 million cameras. Look Mum, I'm on the telly!

I filed my taxes at work today...H&R Block.com, as I have for 5 years. I'm getting a few hundred back, which I may just sock away for a London trip. I've always wanted to do this...it may actually be within reach.

Maybe that whale will still be there, assuming London bobbies haven't shot it for being a suspected Al-Qaeda operative.

According to face recognition software, I look like Karl Kraus who was a German Jew who repudiated his Judaism and Zionism....and I also look like Stephen Spielburg, who can't over the fact that he's Jewish. Now I know why people keep telling me I look Jewish. But when I took an online religion test, I scored Muslim. It's tough being me...there's a Partition Line from my nose to me navel.

Not really.

Good night!


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