That Decemberists Song About the Whale...
I can't really recall the whole thing, but the important takeaway here is that there's a pilot whale swimming up the Thames RIGHT NOW. At this very moment, a lost whale is swimming by Westminister, under the Tower Bridge, past the House of Commons. Hasn't happened since 1913.
More coal miners are in danger in West Viriginia...reporters are standing by waiting for Pat Robertson to blame it on Satan. Or possibly Gaza. Or casinoes.
That's all I really have right now, but I've had coffee and done some actual, you know, work, I may be back.
More coal miners are in danger in West Viriginia...reporters are standing by waiting for Pat Robertson to blame it on Satan. Or possibly Gaza. Or casinoes.
That's all I really have right now, but I've had coffee and done some actual, you know, work, I may be back.
Doom and such. Premonitions of something... worse?
That's a good song though, coal miners and whales.
Reading that article makes me want to become a journalist just to prove i can do it better. HACK!
Posted by
annie |
3:51 PM
Miners trapped in a whale? I can just see one of them turning to the other and saying, "Bob, I think we're in the wrong metaphor".
Being in a metaphorical whale is better than getting gory from an alligator. Or even getting gator from an allegory.
Posted by
Aaron |
7:39 PM
your little jokes caused me to LOL at work.
Posted by
annie |
7:45 PM