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That Decemberists Song About the Whale...

I can't really recall the whole thing, but the important takeaway here is that there's a pilot whale swimming up the Thames RIGHT NOW. At this very moment, a lost whale is swimming by Westminister, under the Tower Bridge, past the House of Commons. Hasn't happened since 1913. http://www.channel4.com/news/content/news-storypage.jsp?id=926020

More coal miners are in danger in West Viriginia...reporters are standing by waiting for Pat Robertson to blame it on Satan. Or possibly Gaza. Or casinoes.

That's all I really have right now, but I've had coffee and done some actual, you know, work, I may be back.

Doom and such. Premonitions of something... worse?

That's a good song though, coal miners and whales.

Reading that article makes me want to become a journalist just to prove i can do it better. HACK!

Miners trapped in a whale? I can just see one of them turning to the other and saying, "Bob, I think we're in the wrong metaphor".

Being in a metaphorical whale is better than getting gory from an alligator. Or even getting gator from an allegory.

your little jokes caused me to LOL at work.

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