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God & lighthouse man, guide this sailor back to land

Questions for the day.

1) What am I going to do when I run out of Murakami books to read? I picked up Kafka on the Shore a few days ago and read more than half of it on the plane yesterday. Seriously...his books put my head and heart in the right alignment...not too many other word-mechanics can do that consistently.

2) Is there another deployment in my future? Iran, please stop enriching uranium. I would like to do an actual semester of college. Oh, and please stop the Jew-baiting. Pat Robertson is bad enough.

3) How many Borges short stories can I read without laying down the book and blinking rapidly before reaching for a drink?

4) Whither Journalism?

Those are my questions. Anyone have any answers?

*shakes up her magic 8 ball*

1) Most likely.

2) Reply hazy, ask again.

3) Six units.

4) It is certain.

*scratches head*

You're going to read all the other Murakami books again, of course.

I'm about halfway through Kafka too, and loving it. Nakata is fast becoming my favorite fictional character.

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