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Road Trip!!!

Well, thusly it's been more of a plane trip than a road trip. My cell phone was detained for questioning at the TSA checkpoint at the San Diego airport - it's being FedEXed to Baltimore hopefully Tuesday. So to anyone who might try to call - sorry I'm incommunicado. Caught the red-eye flight into Orlando, basically was awake for 72 hours until last night. Right now in Sarasota, FL, the old (Folks) Home. It's been well preserved, like a mosquito in an amber lump that will one day be misused for science: ie turned into an enormous condomenium.

At my buddy Bob's apartment, hooked up to a computer that is water-cooled in a transparent glowing case...with a 36" LCD monitor. I have met the UberGeek, and he is Bob. Saw all the people from my previous life who still work at Barnes & Noble - like a black and white lithograph. Like a movie cell cut out and framed. Eerie. I come back each year primarily to remind myself why I left after 3 years.

I could go on and on about Wednesday, and going to the Timkin Museum with Annie, and talking into the wee hours of the night: but I won't, because she already did it, so if you go here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/latentblue/ and read the 29 December entry you'll get the same effect. Good times.

I bought a bunch of comics - having gone to Sci-Fi City in Orlando and Pop! Comics in Sarasota - I feel my geek quotient increasing. I picked up the first Sandman trade because enough people have convinced me to give it a chance. Also got V is for Vendetta, because I don't think I'll see the movie - but the story looked good. And I scored some Uncle Scrooge, because nobody rocks harder than Scrooge McDuck.

New Years with friends in my old Pub, and tomorrow we hit the road for Baltimore. No clue when I'll next be at a wireless hotspot and update this page for you good people - but best wishes to both of you and have a good New Years celebration. Get drunk and kiss someone new at midnight!

the new GQ...

I wish they had book clubs for comics.

Safe travels!

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