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I see the fire, I see the end

Escondido is a pretty nice place - the smell and sound of the surf smacked me in the face as soon as I stepped out of the car. It reminded me of Siesta Key in Florida, with the small boutique seaside shops and eateries. There were a LOT more people here though. I made the excursion north to visit Lou's Records, which I have been assured is THE place to go if you're looking for music. So away I went, and it was good, bought Sufjan Steven's "Come On Feel the Illinoise" and the Ditty Bops S/T album. Note for all RIAA people out there: I downloaded most of the Sufjan Stevens album before I bought it - being able to preview the songs first was a determining factor in me buying the CD. No, I didn't pay Steve Jobs an iTunes any money either, I used eMule. Same with the Ditty Bops. Now the artists can take their miniscule share of those CD sales. File sharing is an incredibly valuable tool for all artists, regardless of their label size or marketing budget. Embrace us! Embrace me! Let's all HUG!

Today the Senate rejected a defense appropriations bill that contained provisions to open the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve to oil exploration: 80% of the sales in oil leases would be funneled to Hurricane Katrina relief - roughly 6 billion dollars. But no, Democrats who have never set foot in Alaska, never seen the caribou they are protecting and probably never will; killed the bill. The Alaskan Senators have been trying to get this passed for years, because frankly it's not as af anyone ever goes to ANWR. Even the local Inuit tribes want the drilling, because they'd get a huge chunk of money and get to purchase snowmobiles instead of harnessing the natural power of the otter (which they domesticate and saddle for transportation around the ice floes.) What? I'm making it up? You been there? Didn't think so.

In related news, this means my annual cost of living pay increase in January has been held up because of this. So...my 2.5% raise is in danger. Folks, don't EVER get a job where Congress controls your salary. It's far too exciting.

For further evidence of why space exploration and travel should be privatized, read this : http://www.cnn.com/2005/TECH/space/12/15/silver.dart/index.html

Yes, you read that right, the Canadians are doing it too. In unrelated Canadian news, a Supreme Court decision in the Great North has struck down a ban on swingers clubs, basically making it OK to have group sex with strangers. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/americas/12/21/canada.court.reut/index.html

Next step: Swingers Clubs in SPACE. That's right, zero gravity orgies. Expect sales of plastic sheeting and duct tape to skyrocket.

This Sufjan Stevens CD is really good. He makes Illinois sound exciting...


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