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Oi! Teacher! Leave those kids alone!


This is the story about how the teaching of Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution has been banend by a federal court in Pennsylvania. It's a bit ridiculous on both sides really, as yes, the people slipping into the classroom really were religious fundamentalists trying to throw an elbow in there on old Chuck Darwin...and even MORE ridiculous on the side of the judge, who had this to say: “overwhelming evidence” establishing that intelligent design “is a religious view, a mere re-labeling of creationism, and not a scientific theory." That's not really true at all; Intelligent Design is not religious at all, because it ascribes no attributes whatsoever to the Designer. If they were trying to teach the book of Genesis, than yes. But pointing out some obvious holes in the THEORY of evolution (theory: as in, you know, not yet proven) and postualuting that maybe the earth was Created...that's not religion. That's metaphysics and philosophy...by God, we don't want our kids studying that crap. They could grow up wearing berets and hanging out in coffee shops that smell like patchouli and espresso.

And the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has banned all Western music in his country. As if denying the Holocaust, claiming Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth, and purging the government wasn't enough,now there's no more Kenny G in Tehran. No Beatles in Bushehr, no Sheena in Shiraz. Sad. He's trying to rile the people up against external threats so they don't notice the shennanigans going on at home, like the dissolution of political parties too liberal for the IRGC, the imprisonment of journalists who disagree with the Ayatollah, and the unemployment crisis gripping the country. Hmm...wait...is Karl Rove in Iran?

On a lighter note: this http://whatswrongwiththismotionpicture.blogspot.com/2005/05/star-wars-episode-iii-revenge-of-sith.html#comments parody of Star Wars Episode 3 is the funniest thing I've read in a while. Thanks Hannah! Hope your server can handle the additional traffic now that this internet hotspot is publicizing your work.

Also on a light note: http://www.rockpapersaddam.com/index.html - the intel weenies at work laughed. So presumably that means it's funny and mostly visual.

Phew - 'nuff for now.


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