Alan, this title is for you.
So there I am, at the local sex toy shop, surrounded by things that buzz, tickle, fasten, and snap. I'm buying a few things...but not for myself. No, last night I went to a Dirty Santa Party at a friend's apartment. It was basiclaly white elephant with sexually suggestive gifts. Thank God for the couple of people who brought boring things: I scored an Instant Immersion 120 Languages on 6 CD-Roms set! Whew...because really, what would I do with 7 inch purple vibrator? Really? You can do that? Hmm...
Got no sleep last night, too little food, and too much caffiene and bourbon. So now I've stood 2 watches and been awake for 34 hours. Very, very punchy. Finally bought the I'm Wide Awake It's Morning CD from Bright Eyes that I've been dithering over for a weeks...awesome CD, awesome artist. Getting more people together for Coachella in April, assembling a weight bench, loading up a new iPod Nano, flirting with punk-ish emo girls at a coffee shop to the disgust of a long line of customers, reading reading reading and trying not to fall asleep. I applied for my next set of orders: I requested CENTCOM in Tampa, MRSOC in San Antonio, and ONI in the DC area. Acronyms got you down? Use the decoder ring in an old box of Frosted Wheaties to unscramble my codes! Guaranteed or your confusion back.
I may end up staying here for another year though..possibly until mid 2007. Uncertainty is spelled N-A-V-Y.
Ran across this site: you plug in an artist whom you like and the software spits back a playlist of artists who share some of the same characteristics. OK, Computer.
Next Cd purchase: the Shout Out Louds Howl Howl Gaff Gaff.
I'm off to read some Murakami and think deep thoughts.
So there I am, at the local sex toy shop, surrounded by things that buzz, tickle, fasten, and snap. I'm buying a few things...but not for myself. No, last night I went to a Dirty Santa Party at a friend's apartment. It was basiclaly white elephant with sexually suggestive gifts. Thank God for the couple of people who brought boring things: I scored an Instant Immersion 120 Languages on 6 CD-Roms set! Whew...because really, what would I do with 7 inch purple vibrator? Really? You can do that? Hmm...
Got no sleep last night, too little food, and too much caffiene and bourbon. So now I've stood 2 watches and been awake for 34 hours. Very, very punchy. Finally bought the I'm Wide Awake It's Morning CD from Bright Eyes that I've been dithering over for a weeks...awesome CD, awesome artist. Getting more people together for Coachella in April, assembling a weight bench, loading up a new iPod Nano, flirting with punk-ish emo girls at a coffee shop to the disgust of a long line of customers, reading reading reading and trying not to fall asleep. I applied for my next set of orders: I requested CENTCOM in Tampa, MRSOC in San Antonio, and ONI in the DC area. Acronyms got you down? Use the decoder ring in an old box of Frosted Wheaties to unscramble my codes! Guaranteed or your confusion back.
I may end up staying here for another year though..possibly until mid 2007. Uncertainty is spelled N-A-V-Y.
Ran across this site: you plug in an artist whom you like and the software spits back a playlist of artists who share some of the same characteristics. OK, Computer.
Next Cd purchase: the Shout Out Louds Howl Howl Gaff Gaff.
I'm off to read some Murakami and think deep thoughts.
I am a sexy beast, it's true. Now get to work on your website, so I can link to it and casual passerby will think I have friends. I'm not making him up, people, Alan is real. He is Soylent Green!
Posted by
Aaron |
5:36 PM
I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning is SUCH a great album. I've never been thrilled with Bright Eyes, but everything about that one is amazing.
Posted by
Hannah |
3:13 PM