Smarter, Faster, Stronger
So, I finally saw Shaun of the Dead after every single person in the western world did. It was hee-larious. Every zombie cliche you can think of was skewered, every survival horror convention lampooned, and everyone was British. Plus, I'm pretty sure that was Chris Martin of Coldplay with a cameo at the end, so he just got that much cooler in my book. So that was $13.99 well spent, twice. I've been shopping for a turntable since there are two old vinyl shops on my block: now I have another reason to go back to LP's. They can kill zombies! Who knew?
Registered for college today - well applied for admission. Online. How cool is that? It's come a long way since the last time I had to go through this in 2001. I'll probably go to either City or Mesa colleges...I'm thinking French and Creative Writing. Plus, there's a writing group that meets on Thursdays at the local indie-goth coffee shop which sounds like fun. It's like I'm getting serious or something.
Oh, and yet another cute girl responded to me on OKCupid. What is it with that site? The people seem to be in general several cuts above other dating sites like Yahoo or Match...and I'm getting responses. I think it's the questionaires and general air of "we're smarter than you" that the site puts out. San Diego still doesn't have a stunning selection, but of 3 women I've talked to 2 of them are local and interesting.
I had to turn down the job offer to go ride submarines today. Yes, I want to move back east, and yes, the job sounds fascinating and would help my Navy career. But I don't want a Navy career: I want normality again. This is the third senior person that has tried to talk me into something cool sounding, ad I keep turning them down. Man, I hope full time college is all it's cracked up to be.
As they say in France, "we surrender!"
Wait, no.
"Au revoir!" ah, that's it.
Registered for college today - well applied for admission. Online. How cool is that? It's come a long way since the last time I had to go through this in 2001. I'll probably go to either City or Mesa colleges...I'm thinking French and Creative Writing. Plus, there's a writing group that meets on Thursdays at the local indie-goth coffee shop which sounds like fun. It's like I'm getting serious or something.
Oh, and yet another cute girl responded to me on OKCupid. What is it with that site? The people seem to be in general several cuts above other dating sites like Yahoo or Match...and I'm getting responses. I think it's the questionaires and general air of "we're smarter than you" that the site puts out. San Diego still doesn't have a stunning selection, but of 3 women I've talked to 2 of them are local and interesting.
I had to turn down the job offer to go ride submarines today. Yes, I want to move back east, and yes, the job sounds fascinating and would help my Navy career. But I don't want a Navy career: I want normality again. This is the third senior person that has tried to talk me into something cool sounding, ad I keep turning them down. Man, I hope full time college is all it's cracked up to be.
As they say in France, "we surrender!"
Wait, no.
"Au revoir!" ah, that's it.
"of 3 women I've talked to 2 of them are local and interesting."
I expect I'm the third woman. I know I'm not local, but does that mean I'm not interesting either? ;^) Watch the way you word your sentences when one member of your audience is a stickler!
Chris Martin and Jonny Buckland were both in that bit at the end of Shaun of the Dead, and the special features of the DVD includes an awesome complete interview where they reveal the details of Guy and Will getting zombified.
Posted by
Hannah |
3:15 PM