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Peer Pressure Is An Ugly Thing

Here I am, marking my territory on the World Wide Web much the same way that a terrier marks a lightpole. Although in Baltimore, all the canine urine in the world isn't deterring this horrible crime: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/25/national/25metal.html

So why would you steal a lightpole? Seriously? The local po-po explanation that heroin addicts trying to sell the lightpoles for drug money seems a little far fetched. This requires far more planning and execution than your average strung out junkie can manage. I blame it on the parents.

And now we're paying stringers to write stories in Iraqi press to make ourselves look favorable. I bet that's fooling a lot of people. "Hey Rafik...look at this full color supplement in how Humvees are good for the enviroment." "My friend, that is no news story. Look at the small print. Kfeiyah!" "By the smell of my camel's breath, you are right. 'Paid for by the Multinational Coalition Force Command'. " "What about this allergy medication story? It too has fine print."

Yeah. Us jaded, bloated, midly bovine Americans can smell out a fake ad from a real story with one eye on a reliaty show and the other on our Newsweek. The Iraqis are much more saavy than we are, I give them 48 hours before there is a website debunking our stories. With Flash, probably.

Do you want to know more? http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/01/politics/01propaganda.html?incamp=article_popular

I saw The Ice Harvest last night. It wasn't all that hot despite having Grade-A talent in it and glowing reviews in a fake newspaper story (hey...wait a minute) pasted up over the theater lobby. The movie was a succession of fine and entertaining movie scenes strung together by some sort of plot that was far too clever for its own good. I give it 2.5 stars, in the manner of pretentious reviewers everywhere who are too lazy to write more. I am waiting breathlessly for Syriana, which looks to be overly complex and full of explosions.

If you're in San Diego, you should check out the Star Bar downtown. It has a copious alcohol selection, smells of urine, and has one jukebox. I loved it. I bought a lily from the flower lady for my lady friend, which helped to mask the smell of pee. I know how to show a girl a good time - Coronas were $2.

This blog may not look like much but she's got it where it counts, kid.

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