In the Streets of Baltimore
Well, Glen Burnie, really. The long road trip is over - boy was it fun. Highlights? Driving through the rolling fog and rain along I-95 listening to Black Adder on CD. Eating at a Waffle House. Going to Pedro's South of the Border, a true American icon if ever I saw one, and one that deserves to be in some surreal Americana novel. Low points: my God, the rain. And the rain. Not having rear tail signals. Traffic in Richmond.
But now, here I am, in fabulous Maryland, in Pete's apartment, listening to the upstairs neighbors tread the floorboards heavily. Hopefully I can get my cellphone soon, and hopepfully a guided unofficial tour of the Pentagon will happen tomorrow. Thursday it's off to Nashville, and then Atlanta.
I finished the first Sandman comic, and it was good. I will end up getting the rest of them, eventually. I would keep typing but there's an elderly cat demanding I pay attention to her and not the laptop, so adieu.
But now, here I am, in fabulous Maryland, in Pete's apartment, listening to the upstairs neighbors tread the floorboards heavily. Hopefully I can get my cellphone soon, and hopepfully a guided unofficial tour of the Pentagon will happen tomorrow. Thursday it's off to Nashville, and then Atlanta.
I finished the first Sandman comic, and it was good. I will end up getting the rest of them, eventually. I would keep typing but there's an elderly cat demanding I pay attention to her and not the laptop, so adieu.
My cat may be many things, but she is not elderly! Spoiled, demanding and a tad overweight but not "elderly"
Posted by
Anonymous |
9:50 PM