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Which Stage? What Stage? This Tent! That Tent!

Bonnaroo is done, and my eventful summer is underway. Firstly, if you desire to read the coverage of Bonnaroo that Hannah and I wrote, go to Daytrotter's Hard To Navigate to Bonnaroo section. If you want to see the pictures, go to their Flickr page here. I will be uploading more to my own Flickr shortly.

Overall, it was a fun experience, although I have no plans to go back. It's hard to really experience the music the way I'd like to in such an enviroment...just you and 69ooo of your closest friends, all trying to use the john, buy pizza, and take pictures of Radiohead at the same time. It was unbearably hot, for which I'm supremely grateful that we had press credentials (sorry Natalie!) and could retreat into the air conditioned Journalist Pen. We saw Radiohead, Bonnie Raitt, Cat Power, Beck, the Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Matisyahu, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, the Streets, and a few more I can't remember. We missed an equal amount of acts though, due to the competetive nature of the scheduling and a general inability to get out of bed before 1000AM. Thank you, Alan and Brandi for putting us up. Camping would have sucked, as everyone else seemed to be determined to have the ultimate indie-rock experience and get sweaty and high together. Not so much for us.

Next up: Hannah will be here for 10 days starting Monday, and if you think I'm going to have time to blog you're out of your mind. We will see Radiohead again on Tuesday night, this time in a much smaller, less dirty venue. She will scout jobs and places to live, and I will endeavor to make San Diego look as appealing as I can, which gets easier every day. Right after she moves down here in August, Alan and Brandi will come down for a week to stay with me and scout out their potential move to San Diego. I may be dogsitting for Nicole soon. I bought an air conditioner. And I start school again in September. Did I mention that I'm in the Navy? And working long hours for the next 6 weeks?

And that's my long term forecast. Stay tuned -


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