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Superstition ain't the way

Sing it Stevie...oh yeah.

So, yes, I've been absent a while. No reason, other than general apathy, but there are some significant world events that require my comments and keen observational attention. First:

1) George Lucas has un-fucked himself long enough to do this. And there was much rejoicing. Now I can finally burn my crappy, poorly sounding overly CGI'ed versions. Han shot first!

2) Radiohead is coming to San Diego! And I'm going! Got tickets this morning via Ticketbastard, who through the power of soulless chicanery changed $37 tickets into $52 tickets. Convenience fee? What? Who even thought that up?

3) Scott McClellan was canned as WH Press Spokesman, and replaced by Fox News talking head Tony Snow. The next day, the Whtie House declared May 1 "Loyalty Day" - so those brown skinned people in the streets carrying flags aren't protesting immigration laws, no no no. They're celebrating Loyalty Day!

4) Steven Colbert bombed at the WH Press Correspondants Dinner. I watched clips of this - he really wasn't all that funny. The funny part was the reaction in the blogosphere where frothing journalists defended Mr Colbert and his "feisty", "pointed", and "deadly" barbs. Sorry guys, the Colbert Repor(t) is funny - this wasn't. Stand up comedy is not his forte, and the pedantic jokes and fairly stupid video of him running from Helen Thomas...yeah. What's next? This is about as funny as the video the military is circulating of Al-Zarqawi fumbling with a machine gun.

5) Zacarias Moussaoui got life in prison instead of the death penalty. Conservatives are super angry, liberals are super happy. I think this was the right decision, Moussaoui's grandstanding aside. If he was sentenced to death, the endless appeals and added publicity it would give him would just give this jackass additional opportunity to make ridiculous comments into a camera. As it is, nobody's going to remember him in a year. Also, I don't think he was really guilty of everything he claimed to be guilty of. Denied matryrdom is a worse punishment than, well, marytrdom.

6) The best hamburger in San Diego is at Hodad's in Ocean Beach...succulent veggies....fresh fries...mmm. And so huge! Go there now, but be prepared to wait for a table.

7) And, I'm out.


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