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Me and the skirts always end up the same

The Shreveport Times made an appearance on my favorite political scandal-rag site, Wonkette. Here's the link to the story - Wonkette's tag ? "It’s not her fault, there’s really no predicting what you’ll say after you get hit with a tazer. ZAP! “I’m Rick James bitch!”

It's been a week off from blogging, and I'm trying to play catchup in the plushest airport lounge I've ever been in at DFW. I'm in a leather swivel chair at a faux-marble counter, with my laptop plugged in and wirelesly connected. A flat screen TV is injecting me with CNN, without asking first. I'm watching escaltors go up and down, empty,. Lots of leather, brushed steel, and stained wood. I'm waiting for Christopher Walken to come dancing out of an elevator.

I finally got around to buying music legally from iTunes. That's right, Aaron, music pirate since 1998, finally paid for someone's intellectual property. And what did I buy? Why, these guys new album! I've had one of their EPs knocking around my harddrive since '02, and now I'm finally giving them money. Hey, if I go to school in Tennesee, maybe I'll get to see them live! Oh yes, and one of their videos has them dressed in pirate costumes...so you know the Features are cool.

I need to buy a scanner and digitize several years worth of terribly old fashioned sticky photos. Any suggestions from you artistic tech-heads out there?

Oh yeah, and if you can get it, I recommend the new issue of Believer magazine. Mainly for this
article, but hell, read the whole thing if you want it in Dead Tree format. Oh, and I found out Terry Pratchett is a libertarian. According to a libertarian website anyway, which has a list of Libertarian celebrities. I can't help but wonder if this is like Mormons reverse-baptising dead relatives...you know..."well, they never said they weren't, so we'll give them the hat and plaque". I'm not sure how I feel about this...generally if an entertainer or artist gets linked to a political movement/philosophy, I'm much less likely to read them. I dislike getting beat over the head with a Point or a Cause. What they said about Pratchett isn't inaccurate, as such. It's just, selective. After all, one of his recurring heroes is a policeman who ends up in the Nobility. Not very Robespierre.

I think they're playing my song...pre-boarding United Airlines flight to San Fran. Man, I sure hope there aren't any snakes on my plane.

Nah, couldn't happen.

The lack of posts since your flight might suggest that there were snakes on your plane, and you are not a Samuel L. Jackson-grade badass. I know otherwise, of course (on both counts), but the masses may experience confusion. Why not rectify that with a new post?

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