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There was a time when you let me know, what's really going on below

So there's a collectors edition of Jeff Buckley's Grace that comes with an extra CD of unreleased tracks, and a DVD full of videos, and a 'Making Of' featurette. And I own this now for only $20. Go, me. I have a lot of his music in bits and pieces on my computer, all illegally downloaded. But now I have something even better.

I got an e-mail from my friend Jonathan the other day...chanes are if you're reading this blog I may well have forwarded you the article. Essentially it was this story with the question, how does a moral person react to this? What's a correct position or opinion on groups that act extra-legally to seek redress of wrongs? I don't know. Still thinking.

Plans for the week: Watch Mirrormask, write more bad poetry for class, go see Into The Woods, attend a poetry reading (likewise for class) and make plans for getting the heck out of California. Plan now...I submit a request to match my end of service with my rotation date, which would get me out of the Navy in July 07...and then request a 6 months early separation to get me out by Feb 07. It's been a fun ride, and I'm glad I did it...but there's more to life than this. Right? Right?

I'll be 25 in a few months. Hmm.


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