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Real News Story

The popular teen website, Myspace.com, has agreed with a federal court order to turn over records of chat transcripts, private messages, and profile pictures in an effort to combat child pornography. A flurry of recent investigative reports in major media outlets have sparked a grassroots fire, that has been lit under Congressional representitives. The Deprtament of Justice is investigating rumors of unAmerican activity and lewd conduct over the popular site. Recently, the DOJ subpoenaed records from Google, Yahoo, and AOL for the same reasons. This new effort far outsrtips these requests, as specific people and profiles are being turned over instead of anonymous user statistics. The lack of outcry from civil rights groups is being largely chalked up to exhaustion, and the fact that Blackberry wireless devices are no longer operable. "It's harder to stay focused, on message, and react to new outrages", said one anonymous ACLU intern. "We have our hands full with these [expletive deleted] Danish cartoons." Rupert Murdoch, the media tycoon who owns Fox News and Myspace.com , was unavailable for comment. In totally unrelated news, Bill O'Reilly, popular FoxNews commentator and author, was overheard to remark, "Time to start trolling Xanga."

This Is Not A Real News Story.

but it sure could be...based off of this story and earlier reports about DOJ vs Google. And Rupert Murdoch really does own Myspace.com boys and girls. I'm waiting for the fake news stories scandal to break...maybe fake profiles of Iraqi children grateful for US troops. Or, a fake Democratic Hill-staffer posting about her sexual exploits. All you'd have to do is troll the D.C. Craigslist personal ads.

More to come, later.


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