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No Dark Sarcasm In the Classroom

Today was my first day of school. Well, night really. I was hoping that the pattern of taking night classes in community college would hold true: that the average student would be slightly older and more mature than the 13th grade that's around during daylight hours.


Parking was ridiculously bad, but luckily, so is enforcement. I parked on a red curb without a parking decal, and didn't get a ticket; I was certainly not the only person there parked illegally. Maybe they just gave up? Circling a lot for 20 minutes is not my idea of a fun time, so I was in a fine mood when I finally found the "H" Building at the opposite end of the campus from where I parked. So, tonight's class was Logic and Critical Thinking. Turns out the prof is a fellow named Josef who spends his time translating Nietschze from Deutsch to English. Charming guy, he repeatedly insulted Muslims and non-Europeans in general. I also learned quite abit about the phenomenon of graduate students teaching undergrad classes in most colleges. I knew the TA thing happened sometimes, but not all the time. So I ask you, readers who are in and who have been in college. What percentage of your classes were taught by someone barely older than you who had no credentials to teach? That's very disturbing. What all of this had to do with Logic is anyone's guess...it was a 3 hour class with about 15 minutes of material: forgivable since this was the first day. But this guy is gonna get insufferable if every class is full of him hectoring the students about the educational system.

Can't WAIT until Thursday.

C'mon, I'm sure you can outright school him on that stuff. It's a low level PHIL class, so he's expecting the class to be total n00bs.

And, for the record, I had the exact same thing happen to me las semester... in a philosophy class.

The class IS total n00bs. I was expecting a slightly more mature evening class of adults. Nope. It looks like a high school. I feel OLD in that class.

High point: a 20 year old guy raising his hand and asking, "A couple of hundred years ago, oh whatever, like, did the Greeks and y'know, Romans teach Philosophy like this?"

High School Graduate, this fellow.

Hmm. Aquanomist sounds familiar. Do I know you, sir, or did you just randomly find this?

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