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In Heaven His Throne is Made of Gold

Random conversations with people in bars, some good writing, and maybe a little bourbon are percolating through me right now. Last night, I walked over to my pub to see my friend's wedding ring (date set for April...wedding #4 I have to attend this year). In the process, a very friendly guy from the East German side of Berlin talked to me about religion for a bit, and how apparantley in Berlin every year all the big religious groups get together for a mass prayer session at what I think is Alexander Square. We tried to figure out why people just couldn't get along, and then I turned around and got in on an animated discussion about Art vs art, and arttists vs craftsmen, and what the role of Artists in society was. It got awfully pretentious there toward the end...fascinating conversation. We bitched about Ayn Rand, and I tried to understand what would make someone believe that Artists should be their own caste in society, and that Art could only be understood by Artists. "Intellectual development" kept getting bandied about by one guy. I ended up walking away after about half an hour, because the pretension got suffocating.

Watched an old Dr. Who episode today (The 5 Doctors...downloaded and burned to DVD), bought a Raymond Chandler collection of shorts, and wrote a bit. Oh, also got last night's episode of Battlestar Galactica. The first 5 minutes had me worried I had missed an episode somewhere along the line, because the nature of the drama changed so abruptly. It was, as usual, very good.

Today is my first Day Off since...since I was on leave. Enjoying it very much. Started reading "Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, One of Christ's Childhood Pals" by Christopher Moore. It's better than I thought it would be, but hell, Christopher Moore usually is.

By the way, if the opportunity comes up to watch the "Babe I'm on Fire" video by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: do it. Just don't expect the usual 4 minute MTV exhibition. Wow.


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