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That's the title of my ENG Intro to Creative Writing text...it's a collection of San Diego and Tijuana based short stories; edited by my professor I think. 'Cause when you're a teacher, you get to foist your own stuff off on students and bump up the royalty payments. I already read the introduction, and there are some good points in there...things I noticed fairly quickly about this place. Here's a taste:

"Perhaps the suffocating banality of official San Diego's pious "America's Finest City" mantra has led even those who know better to think that nothing is possible here other than the affectless pleasure that comes from drifting back and forth between the beach and the mall."

The introduction basically decries the fact that San Diego has no literary voice, tradition, or movement despite being a magnet for the talented. People here just don't read, or think, beyond their next excursion to the Zoo or Pacific Beach. Which is why I can never settle here. It's busy, and vibrant, but it's a Mastercard kind of life.

As someone planning a trip to a Zoo, I resent that remark. ;) Not really I know I'm better than the populous you speak of.

Just kidding.

of the book's intro excerpt:
B+ for thoughts, C for execution.
Yeah, I know I'm a student trying to judge a professor's work. That sentence does with words what it claims other people do with SD life.

"I want something else
to get me through this
mastercard kind of life, baby baby"


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