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Pull me out of the air crash

Such a lot has happened, so much distance traveled, many people seen. Lots to parse, but it's late...I am attempting to set some of it down here so that I'll have less to do tomorrow. Tomorrow, which is Superbowl Sunday. Yeah, blogging and thinking won't be on my list of things to do. Tuesday I drove up to Los Angeles, and met up with Jonathan and Alana, whi just got back from a long several months backpacking through interior China, New Zealand, Fiji, and the Cook Islands. They flew in to LAX..the idea was that I would spend a few days showing them around San Diego, but alas they were so ahead fo schedule that I had already made plans to fly back to Louisiana. So I very, very quickly drove up the 5 to LA...2 hours or so, we met up and I got to talk to someone who I haven't seen in years. So, all you liberated young people out there who want to Make A Difference, and everyone who really wants to do something worthy of an indie-rock anthem and backpack through a strange country and work at organic farms, and stay in hostels...these are the people to talk to. They've done it, son, and have notes. I saw Hollywood just by hanging around them, their glamour is so strong...and I have the anti-Bush stickers and papers to prove it. Imagine what 24 hours in their presence would accomplish...

I will blog more when I'm not in a crappy airport WiFi location. Also, when I'm a bit more coherent and have had sleep .

And thanks to the humour sophisticated over at LC. Viva La Revolucion!

PS Coachella lineup announced! yay!

PSPS Bonnaroo lineup annoucned! Shit! It's better than Coachella's!

PSPSPS I have been without internet for several days due to being in Louisiana. So hence the delay in an otherwise punctual blog. Sorry about that, especially since more people read this than I thought.

Please tell me you're going to Bonnaroo, because that would be too, too cool.

Hmm. The lineup is better, and I can stay for free in Murfreesboro.

Yeah, I think I'd rather do that one.

The Coachella headliners are Tool and Depeche Mode, and there are only 10 artists I really want to see. As opposed to Bonnaroo, which has 16. And Radiohead. And several of the people I want to see in Coachella are alsoplaying Bonnaroo.

We shall see.

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