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Down to the river where they caught a wild alligator...

The weekend goes too fast. I bought my Bonnaroo tickets last night...if the Navy gets in the way I'm going to be PISSED. Radiohead, Tom Petty, DCfC, Matisyahu, CYHSY, and more. The lineup is here. Started in on my Creative Writing homework assignment. The theme of the poem has to be "Where I'm From" but the interpetation of that is open. So I thought about it for a while, tried some abstract themes, (maybe, like, it's the poem writing itself, dude...wow) but I gave up, put on a Sufjan Stevens CD, and started in on an epic-poem about the history and culture of Shreveport. I'd like to hear it set to music, but maybe it's for the better. But it's interesting to me that I'm writing a song in my head, for a poetry assignment. That's never happened before. Oh well. When I see Sufjan at Bonnaroo (!) I can ask him for pointers. and recommend he do Louisiana next, in his series of US State CDs.

On my buddy Josh's recommend (one of two friends in Alaska) I picked up R. Scott Baaker's The Darkness That Comes Before. It's a fantasy novel, similar to George R. R. Martin, but instead of the War of the Roses, he's writing the Crusades, and it's GOOD. The author is working on a PhD in Philosophy at, of all places, Vanderbilt (weird how that place keeps turning up in my life). And the writing reflects that. It's very adult with philosophical issues, and damned well written. I read 150 pages in less than a day, and highly reccommend it. Check it out here.

Oh yes, and I DL'ed and watched the new BSG. Effin' brilliant. Character Death Character Death! And it was totally unexpected. So go watch it.

Oh, and I wrote a short piece about discrimination against minority Uyghur Muslims in Xianjiang, China. Because if there's anything that warrants howls, flag burnings, and political censure it's this.


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