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Prove to me that you're no fool, walk across my swimming pool

Perhaps as the previous post states, I would not fit in to Galactica at all. But damn, I love watching it. The new issue just threw 3 big curveballs in 44 minutes and resolved one of them. I hope some of you out there are watching this, because it's the best thing on TV right now. I make that statment with little to no knowledge of what's on other networks, but I feel safe saying it anyway. 'Cause Aaron Sorkin and Joss Whedon don't have anything on. So there.

I rented and watched The Constant Gardener last night. A good movie, deserving of praise, although it was a bit on the two-dimensional side in terms of how it presents The Good Guys vs The Bad Guys. The two main characters were fully realised in the script, and the acting was good (although I felt Rachel Weisz was on autopilot for a lot of it). Unfortunately, the supporting cast wasn't quite as well done, and I halfway expected the chief villian, a maniacal pharmaceutical CEO to cackle and stroke a small cat as he contemplated how Evil he was. But a good movie, worth a rent. I choked up, once or twice. I'm a man and can admit this. Because I don't think anyone's reading it anymore.

I am going to bed early, because I was up until 3:30am last night. And woke up at 8am this morning. My body hates me.


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