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Of all the Thompson gunners, Roland was the best

Yes, it's been a while since I posted. Yes, I've been busier than a one legged man in ass kicking contest (like that Dad?).

Philosophy class is picking up, although class is still mostly listening to the teacher rant and make fun of his students. And make racist anti-islamic comments. Given how diverse the campus is, I'm amazed someone hasn't gotten offended and complained, but tenure is a damn good bulletproof vest. Creative writing is also going well...the teacher had not much to say about that Shreveport epic-poem other than she liked it. I've signed up for a fiction workshop, for which I have to distribute a short fiction story to the entire class.

Dubai ports. US ports. Hmmm. This is all over the news right now, and it's ridiculous. Why is this an issue? hate to break it to everyone out there who still believes in Fortress America, but 95% of all the cargo vessels that come into our ports are foreign flagged, foreign owned, and have been loaded by dark people in strange countries who don't speak English. Foreign companies already run almost all of our ports, but that's OK, because British P&O is well, British. So that's OK. No radicals in Britain, right? The police shot them all.

All I'm saying is that I've actually been to Dubai, and the UAE is Western, very capitalistic, and the DOD allows 5000 sailors at a time to go ashore there and take tours, stay overnight in hotels, and walk freely. They are a part of our colaition in the Persian Gulf, and yes, it's an Arab state. So? I'm failing to see how this is going to make port security any more dangerous...DHS and the Coast Guard control security, not the port operators. What's worse is how this is making us look...we can export democracy and western society to those funny hot places where people wear robes and sandals, but by God, those creeps better not try bringing it over here. Johnny Foreigner, git out. The Democrats opposing it are scoring easy points by appearing to the right of President Bush on national defense, and the Republicans are pandering to what's left of the Pat Buchanan base who would slap tarriffs on every import and put a fence around the country. This is silly, people. Dubai Port Authority manages port facilities around the world, and obviously are good at it. Let's quit confirming other countries' opinions of Americans and actually practice some of what we preach.

End Rant.

More to follow, hopefully sooner.


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