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All I know is I would throw them all away

I seem to havbe gotten out of the habit of doing biographical/ daily happenings sort of blog entries. Which is good, because those are insanely tedious to read and not even much fun to write. But here is a recap anyway, because some people use this blog as a window into a life more interesting than their own. I'm so very, very sorry for you.

College is going well, although I should be writing some bad poetry to share with 4 classmates. Philosophy is pretty easy...he's been teaching at a snail's pace, but he really has to since several class members are having trouble with very basic logic. Then again, a lot of people show up to class with bleached blond hair, torn jeans, caps, and ironic t-shirts. They say "dude" and "bra" and text on their cellphones with fellow delinquents during class. So really, it's no surprise they're having trouble with Artistotle's Square of Opposition.

I have hooked another unwitting soul into the abyss that is Battlestar Galactica. Hi Rebecca! I know you read this, even if you don't ever comment. I'm hoping that she buys Season 1 on DVD, since I've only seen the season finale for season 1. Then I can watch her DVD's. It's a good plan. I think the word is "enabler".

Debate over the Dubai port deal has become a kerfluffle between those who think we should steam all ahead full with the deal, and those who think we should wait 45 days. There are three cycles to a load of newsprint kids: story, spin, and rinse. Right now this topic is being gently air dryed in the breeze of public indifference...because Anna Nicole Smith is at the Supreme Court! What a beautiful pair of torts she has.

New musical artist: Brandi Carlile I really, really like her sound...sort of a female Jeff Buckley. She's a sound purist, meaning she doesn't believe in mixing or engineering her recordings...she records the way she plays. She's opening for Jamie Cullum in Atlanta on March 18, and I'll be there...might go see her. My friend Lee is getting married that morning, and I've already bought plane tickets to attend. His younger brother is getting married in May, I have a friend here getting hitched in April, and one in June. Maybe I'll get to be an uncle faster than I thought! Go Mormons, go!

And work. yes. It's very, very busy.

That's all.


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