« Home | Good Night, and Good Luck » | So There I Was » | My Inner Geek exploded when it saw this » | Yuk, this mask tastes like plastic » | So now, my oldest friend (in the sense of, we've b... » | We're rednecks, we're rednecks, we don't know our ... » | There was a time when you let me know, what's real... » | All I know is I would throw them all away » | Lego My Freedom of Speech! » | Of all the Thompson gunners, Roland was the best »

Kodachrome, give us the night's bright colors...

Just a note, that neat Flickr badge you see below my links is my latest validation at a blogger. I mean, Pretty much everyone has one of these now, so I figured what the heck. There are only 10 photos there, because I hit my max upload limit pretty quickly. Check back for more. I will try to limit the number of pictures of me in a moustache...which leaves out basically 2004 and the first half of '05.

I wish I knew what the heck I was doing with a camera. I've had more training with firearms, which doesn't get exercised nearly as often.


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  • visit daytrotter.com
    This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from SlowlyMovingTurtle. Make your own badge here.