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West Wing Finally Over


Finally, the Sorkin-less zombie corpse of what was once the best thing on network TV will finally lay down and DIE! DIE! DIE!

The ratings haven't been good, and I guess the writers finally realised that without Martin Sheen or John Spencer, nobody would watch. The show got disgustingly bad in the last couple of seasons, and more and more unconvincing.

Oh, and my supporting a football team on my blog seems to be the kiss of death. So I'll stop doing it. Fie on you, Carolina.

Last night I bought Spoon: Gimme Fiction at Borders. I really like it so far. Anyone out there recommend any more of their albums? Also considering Team Sleep:S/T but it's a bit pricey in stores and I can't get a Torrent to download. Pandora threw it out there as a Radiohead alternative, and I liked the one song that I heard, but I can't get decent clips online. Who has it? Who's heard it?

two people (who obviously don't know me very well, but don't tell them that) offered me condolences about the West Wing ending.

I nealy beat them each with my season 3/4 script book. xD

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