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I'll make the most of it, I'm an extraordinary machine

I got the new Fiona Apple CD as a very late Christmas present from Nicole...it's perfect because I'd have never bought it, but now that I have it I'm listening to it a lot. I remember Tidal from the 90's...I liked her, but never quite got into the scene that developed around Fiona's image. Many years later, I can appreciate the music for itself without the baggage that marketers loaded her down with. Go for it. (And, no, I don't listen to "O Sailor" on repeat).

Busy week, at a new command, in a teaching job. It's now my job to help out future intel specialists and cryppies, show 'em the ropes and facilitate learning. But today, I cleaned out a locker room, which was frankly horrible. Saving the world, one damp sponge at a time. Join the Navy, kids. Here's a broom.

Er. Creative Writing. Yes. Had the first night of that class last night, and on first blush it looks to e more interesting tha Philosophy because of the class mix. I feel like an old man in PHIL 100, but in ENG 249 there is a good mix of adults and 13th graders. Our first assignment is to write a poem about "Where We're From". Later on we'll have to attend a poetry or book reading, do a series of poems, an essay, and a short story.

I'm thinking about Tennessee, people there, and plans to be made.

yvan eht nioj~

Creative writing classes are often mixed experiences.

I hope your PHIL class picks up. If not, I think you're the resiliant sort who can persevere in Love Of Philosophy. :):)

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