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I've Been Learning to Drive My Whole Life

Now I'm in Murfreesoboro, TN staying with Alan trying to get some content on his new online 'zine (The Little Man, linked on this site). Uzbekistan may feature heavily, as will the Wholphin which I have been watching. Sheer brilliance - if you can rustle up Believer magazine, the Wholphin DVD is inside. Get it and prepare to laugh your ass off, and be stunned into silence by some beautiful cinematogrpahy.

Yesterday spent tooling around D.C. with Pete. Accomplishments include riding the Metro, visiting the Capitol, going to the Smithsonian Air and Space museum, touring the Pentagon (it's good to have friends in low places). Caught up with friends, watched some Rose Bowl action (USC got hooked by those 'horns). Also ate dinner at the oldest Irish pub in the US, which was was very small and friendly. Odd: with that sort of history (established 1847) you might expect The Oldest Irish Pub to have its own line of t-shirts or at least souvenir magnets, but this was not the case. Good food (sauerbraten and dumplings) and good beer (Yuengling). Patrick's on Pratt Street is the bar. Go there next time you're in Baltimore.

Tomorrow is going to involve local bands, beer, and college kids. Ah, flashbacks.

You make it sound like the pub's lack of falling prey to consumerism is a bad thing.

Mmmm... smithsonian...

Not my intent: I think it's a good thing. It wouldn't have been nearly as enjoyable if there had been a gift shop.

ah, excellent. The pub's on my "pilgrimage" list.

and by the way... "Murfreesoboro" has been brewing in the back of my head since I read this. I could hear it very clearly in my mind, but didn't know whose voice.

A few minutes ago it hit me like a can of tomatoes. One of my very favorite Strongbad Emails. xD

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