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lighthouse, tall and grand, standing on a cold headland

It's been brought to my attention that a lot of people in Shreveport read this blog. While I'd like to write about S-port, I cant say anything original that you all don't already know: and the rest of the readership here couldn't be presuaded to care about it. Sorry. Usually when I tell people I'm from Shreveport, they say, "oh yeah, I drove through there once". There ya go...flyover country, red state America. It's a great place to be from. Past tense. I like a lot of things about it, but...well, I couldn't get a decent job there unless I got into healthcare or blackjack.

Alan is going to publish the Eisley article...in fact, he got a band photo and after I told him the saga of getting gang-tackled by legions of fanboys and the band's parents...Let There Be Publishing!
I had planned on vetting the article, and getting approval from the band first, but that seems unlikely. Heh! Also, I might just wankle my way into music journalism at Bonnaroo in TN. Unpaid, of course, but great fun. I'm glad the internet is providing me with free practice shots at writing. Speaking of writing, college starts this week. The better stuff I end up writing will probably end up here, because nobody else is going to publish an essay on why San Diego is shallower than a dried up puddle.

Speaking of country aphorisms: this was overheard in the plane as we landed in Vegas from Shreveport:
"Well, Ah'm jes' confused as a goose. Mah cell phone clock just changed times while I was looking at it! How'd it know ah was in Vegas?" This guy was sitting in front of me, and he talked about this with the entire plane for a good 5 minutes. A lot of people on that plane had never flown before, and were fascinated by things like overhead luggage bins, and time zones.

By the way, I'm collecting sightings of "human-animal hybrids". After POTUS mentioned the threat from them in his SOTU address, I am positive some of you have seen them. So e-mail, and we can push for some sort of color-coded alert system.

Did POTUS really mention human-animal hybrids? 'Cause whatever faith I had left in this country's government is now gone completely. Way to go George--move on from a war against an enemy that can't be defined to a war against an enemy that doesn't exist.

Yes. Yes, he did.

"Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research -- human cloning in all its forms -- creating or implanting embryos for experiments, creating human-animal hybrids and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos."

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