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Isobel greeting whoever descends from the deck. You know, burglars, hobos, me and Hannah - anyone.

Isobel in her poop and chew-toy filled home. It's cool and dirty, which is probably what her dog-gang name is.

Isobel looking really, really freaked out. Probably at a sudden tree root that she thinks moved. Not bright, our dog.

Isobel looks like Pooka's cousin!

Aaron, I'm glad to hear the good news of your engagement, home purchase, and release from naval service. It appears things are going great for you and I am not surprised. I enjoyed revisiting your blog just now and truly enjoyed your geographical linguistic journey across our nation. It made me think, which is something I enjoy about my visits with your dad. I hope you will have an enjoyable winter solstice and I look forward to reading an update soon.
-Jeremy Jones

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