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Domo Arigato, Mister Roboto

This is my last day in the US for the few months, so I will see you cats all later. I am being deployed on USS Essex out of Sasebo, Japan for a little while, and since the DoD has made blogging from government computers illegal, I will be unable to update this. Once I get my email address on the ship, I will share it with you all. I'll have Hannah post it here, so if you need to get in touch with me she is the way to go.

I will be doing my part to combat terrorism by purchasing ridiculously cheap clothing direct from the sweatshops of third world Asia, so if you want to support a sailor who is fighting Islamofacists afloat, send him cookies. Don't worry with that yellow ribbon on your SUV stuff. Buy a hybrid car to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, and mail me some Pop-Tarts. Please?(Also, join the Andy Kopp fanclub).

I hope to be back in mid-April, unless we declare war on some other intangible, such as Gravity or Ohm's Law.



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