Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Spider Sense...Tingling

I just got solicited to subscribe to my daily newspaper. This by itself isn't remarkable – those persistent salespeople are always calling my phone, or sending me polite, desperate letters showing me how much they've managed to shave off the price of home delivered news...please, won't I subscribe? But not five minutes ago, a goateed man knocked on my door, handed me a bulky package, and said that he was here to give me my free newspaper. Now, my first thought was that this was a poorly dressed missionary with some wacky church tract, and my heart leapt with glee at the thought of having sport with some Fundamentalists. But instead, he tried to get me to subscribe to the local respectable newspaper, which I had to decline because frankly it's not that good. But I still got my bulky package, which I assumed to be today's newspaper.

I was right, but, as a kicker, there was also a Spiderman comic bundled with it. A 1963 edition, poorly written, ridiculously dated issue of Spiderman. I am unsure how to treat this. By handing me the comic with the newspaper, am I to assume that this comic is on par with the newspaper? By giving me the story of a young journalist who fights crime, am I to assume that the producers of my local paper fight crime, and this is some sort of bizarre cry for help? Will Spidey get a date with that gosh darn Mary Jane? Jeepers, she sure is cutes! Perhaps it is a subtle reference to the idea that the media creates its own reality by reporting on it, the way Peter Parker creates Spiderman by taking his own picture.

OK, look, the only people who would find this amusing are comic book nerds, who don't care about news, and eight year olds, likewise. So why this weird mashup? The message seems to be that by subscribing to my paper, I will also be able to follow the madcap adventures of a superhero who has been around since my Dad was a kid. There is a terrible parallel here though...Spiderman is now three major motion pictures, and a slew of video games. By handing me a reprint from 1963, the paper is unwittingly reinforcing the main reason nobody subscribes to papers anymore. They're old! They're out of date! They're poorly written, (like this comic) and rely solely on nostalgia for sales.

Also, the inside flap of the comic has an ad for a coupon clearning house called SmartSource.com which says “The website where super-Mom's can save up to $85 with free printable grocery coupons!”
This is patently ridiculous and offensive. Everyone knows women can't use the internet.

Helsinki Complaints Choir

From Annie...the Helsinki Complaints Choir. Finnish artists Tellervo Kalleinen and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen collected the pet peeves and angst-ridden pleas of people in Helsinki and then composed this choral work around the list of complaints.

My personal favorite..."You buy furniture and all you get is a pile of boards." Hey guys, Sweden is right next door...call IKEA and complain.

SF Photos

Atop the Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Bridge Astern

Black and White

A New Post!

Yes, really.

It's been an eventful few months since I last updated this thing. While I have registered aaronsheehan.com and hosted it on Hannah's domain, and uploaded Wordpress, I have yet to be able to create the look for it that I want. So - back to Blogger.

I am still in San Diego, still in the Navy, although it's looking highly probable I will be out by July and moving to Tennessee in order to cheaply attend school and cheaply buy a house. I have a wonderful girlfriend who lives close by, which isn't news to most of you, but maybe some.

We took a Thanksgiving trip up to San Francisco over the holiday - neither of us had been, and I was able to score some pretty cheap hotel rooms through Priceline.com - although what they don't tell you is that parking is $34 a day in the hotel garage, and there is no choice. SF is not a motorist's town, but it is outstanding in the public transit department. We rode buses, streetcars, and a light train/subway in addition to walking walking walking. It's a very urban place, probably about as urban as you can get on the West Coast. Chicago has more skyscrapers, and Baltimore has more murders, and Washington DC more gay Congressmen, but SF felt like the New York of the West, which was nice. We took a lot of pictures, most of them involving the terribly photogenic Golden Gate Bridge. I did get my turkey dinner at a little Irish bar called Fiddler's Green which was easily the most family friendly pub I've ever been in, with rugrats running around getting introduced to the world of the happy drunks, who humor children with the glow of the soused.

Unfortunately on the way back home, we were in a car accident on the 5 in LA, but nobody was hurt thankfully. As a result, my car is in the body shop and I'm driving a really crappy rental. Chevy Cobalt...don't buy one. Typical American engineering...but I'm stuck with it for 9 days while my car gets a new bumper, fenders, etc.

Other than that, Hannah and I have been leading a fairly uneventful life here in SD. The weather is finally cooler, and Christmas is in the air, the smell of unwashed shoppers mixing with the carbon monoxide of their cars. We still watch Battlestar Galactica and Dr Who - and I am still a Saints fan fairly happy with the way the season is going. I can smell a playoff appearance for the first time in several years, and it smells better than Christmas.

Should you have time, check out the redesigned and updated Little Man magazine - some good stuff on there. And also take time out to see Casino Royale, the best Bond movie in years - Daniel Craig is fantastic, and bringing Bond back where he needs to be: a killer, not some Inspector Gadget with better hair and laser diamond sonic wristwatch pen- guns.

I will try very hard to keep updating this on a more regular basis, and also posting writing here since I am in another writing class. Cheers -


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