Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Deja Vu

So a lot has happened since my last post here. I grow increasingly convinced nobody reads this anymore, probably because I wrote so little, but for those who remain, here's the scoop.

1) Hannah and I are engaged! You can go to her blog and see a picture of the ring. I proposed last month, and, after I got her drunk first, she said yes. Haha, score!

2) We are in the process of trying to buy a house. A nice, 3BR, 2BA 1300 sq ft house in Murfreesboro TN that is behind a park. Unfortunately, it also has extensive termite damage to the support piers, floor joists, and subflooring. The termites have been eradicated, and we are negotiating to try to get the seller to fix the damage before we buy. Why am I even bothering with such a damaged house? Well...

3) I've been redeployed, again. I type this from Sasebo, Japan, yet again. I have 90 days exactly left in the Navy, and 64 of them will be spent on the Essex. Once again, I am here to do nothing, purely out of a combination of spite, carelessness, and apathy on the part of my immediate superiors. Being here complicates the house buying process, thus we are trying to smartly negotiate our way into the only house we managed to actually see last week.

Those are the high points, not counting a semi-adopted dog, one good movie and a couple of mediocre ones, some good books, and watching drunk college students destroy a chandelier with their fists. Anyway, I'm back at sheehanj@lhd2.navy.mil for the next 2 months, so please, make more of an effort to stay in touch than I do.


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