Thursday, April 12, 2007


For a little while anyway. I flew in from Okinawa yesterday, and boy are my arms tired! I have my official Navy message in hand telling me that I will be a civilian on August 16th - although it is entirely possible that I'll be deploying back to the Essex again in a month as the Navy wrings every iota of sea time they possibly can out of me. It's good to be home, though, even for a little while. The next few months are going to be busy and eventful, no matter what. In early May Hannah and I will be flying to Murfreesboro to find a realtor and hopefully a house, for our August move.

I spent quite a bit of time in Japan this trip, and my opinions haven't really changed. I also got to see Korea for the first time, and it's basically like a less polite Japan. At this point, after Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Guam, and Korea, I feel I've seen most everything Asia has to offer, except a ping-pong show in Thailand. I spent little money, and saw not much of interest. The foreign excursion thing isn't nearly as much fun when the person you want to go excursioning with is several thousand miles away.

Thanks to all of you who stayed in touch with me while I was deployed - hopefully you won't have to do that again!


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